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  • Buku Panduan Kerjasama

#StudentExperience : Story of Virtual Experience with Rolando Jordan, UMSIDA Student at Virtual ICT Universiti Utara Malaysia

My Impression for being accepted in mobility program is lot, i feel happy because i got the chance to expand my experience in someone else’s country, i can train and implement my English skill so i can get better at it, and also meet people that otherwise, i will never see if not because of this program.. i really looking forward for the day when the orientation for the mobility student in Universiti Utara Malaysia begin.The first day of orientation is fun, the staff in universities introduce themselves and also introduce UUM to us, i can really see that UUM is a great campus although i did not see it firsthand, I also really hope that sometime in the future of this program, maybe i can visit the campus psychically. But for now, i am grateful that i can experience and know UUM by being part of it’s a program. The Global Buddies Club or GBC for short is also helping us make our way around the campus’s online system if we have some problem.

They are also nice and friendly so i feel like i’m not a stranger in this program so I’m really glad that GBC is around for helping us, mobility students.The second day of orientation is the day when the staff in the School of Education welcome us as the mobility student in their school. I feel proud cause I can see other campuses like UHAMKA from Jakarta, and UNIKAMA from Malang are in the same room, so it feels grand and i really like that part. Despite the burden of carrying my campus name on other’s people countries, i don’t feel intimidatId and i think I can show that UMSIDA is a campus with a lot of brilliant students in it.My hope for this program is that i can complete this program with the best thing i could, get the most experience from this program then share it with my friend and fellow students in UMSIDA so they can get encouraged to try something challenging, hopefully maybe participate in this program in next year

contributor :

Rolando Jordan P.

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