• Buku Panduan Kerjasama
  • Buku Panduan Kerjasama

Umsida and Private Education Office of Narathiwat Province Sign Agreement for Collaboration in Education and Community Service Activities

On Monday, March 6th, 2023, Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo and the Private Education Office of Narathiwat Province, Thailand signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to kickstart a partnership promoting education, teaching, research, and community service activities in Narathiwat Province.

The signing event was attended by officials from the Private Education Office of Narathiwat Province, the Head of Ar-Rahman Vittaya Islamic Boarding School, staff from Santiwit Songklha College and Technology, and the Heads of Service from 5 Districts in Narathiwat Province. The ceremony was held in the Meeting Room of the Central Office of Campus 1 Umsida and was marked by the warm reception of both parties towards the collaboration and its potential for mutual growth and benefit.

Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo (UMSIDA) had previously collaborated with Santiwit Songklha College of Technology to conduct community service programs throughout Narathiwat Province. The signing of the MoU was intended to expand the partnership to other regions in Thailand, providing more opportunities for collaboration and exchange.

Dr. Hidayatulloh MSi, the Rector of Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo (UMSIDA), expressed his excitement about the partnership and said, “This is an important milestone for both institutions, especially since many students from Southern Thailand are studying at Umsida. We are thrilled to work with the Private Education Office in Narathiwat Province to promote quality education and community service activities in the region, in addition to conducting KKN activities in Narathiwat last September.”

The memorandum of understanding outlines the framework for collaboration between the two institutions, including joint research and development projects, faculty and student exchange programs, and other initiatives aimed at advancing educational and community service goals in Narathiwat Province.

Mr. Pibyaa Radanaworachad, Head of the Education Office of Narathiwat Province, shared his hope that the partnership will have a significant impact on the educational landscape in the region and provide new opportunities for growth and development. He also stated that he believes this collaboration can serve as a gateway for Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo (UMSIDA) and other regions in Thailand to promote further collaboration.

In conclusion, the signing of the MoU represents a promising step towards advancing education and community service goals in Narathiwat Province, and is expected to foster increased collaboration and growth between the two institutions.

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