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A Student from Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo Participates in the Wai Khru Day Event at Anuban Chumchon Phukradueng School in Thailand

Anuban Chumchon Phukradueng School

lkui.umsida.ac.id Wai Khru Day is an event where students pay respects to their teachers to symbolize the student-teacher relationship. Students give a small bucket of flowers to their teachers to express gratitude. The ceremony generally starts with a Buddhist devotion, especially in institutions where Theravada Buddhism is the official religion. Then, students recite the Wai Khru chant to express their gratitude and ask for blessings from their teachers.

Following this, some students, as class representatives, present a candle and joss stick in a bucket of flowers arranged on a Phan (traditional Thai pedestalled tray) to the teacher. This is usually followed by a speech from the headteacher, offering guidance and hope for the students’ careers.

Wai Khru Day is normally held in most schools in Thailand, including Anuban Chumchon Phukradueng School, where the event took place on (13/06/2024). The school community was enthusiastic about participating. Preparation occurred the day before the event. All students and teachers, including internship students, took part in the event. A student from Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo, Raditya Ferdi Riyanto, who was participating in an international internship program at the school, also had the opportunity to join the event. At that event, he explained, “The Wai Kru ceremony is observed nationwide in most Thai schools, typically in June or July. It is rooted in Thai cultural and religious beliefs, with Thursday being associated with Brihaspati, the Vedic deity symbolizing wisdom and teachers”

The Umsida internship student was preparing for the event

The experience will enrich this international internship program, making it more than just an academic endeavor. Through the traditional culture adopted in the school, Raditya will gain an invaluable perspective, adding unique depth to his internship experience at Anuban Chumchon Phukradueng School. He added, “As a foreigner and internship student, witnessing the Wai Kru ceremony provided a unique insight into Thai culture and the profound respect and reverence Thai students hold for their teachers.”

This event provides students in the international internship program with numerous opportunities to learn about another country’s culture, gain knowledge, and acquire experiences that can be positively implemented, especially in teaching and learning activities.

Writer: Raditya Ferdi Riyanto
Editor: Riza Mafiroh

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