• Buku Panduan Kerjasama
  • Buku Panduan Kerjasama


Local Products Exhibition On August 27, 2024, a lively local product exhibition was held at the Children’s Center of Loei Wangsai. The event was attended by various groups, including the head of Loei Wangsai district and local community members. Rishma, an intern from Indonesia currently doing her internship at Loei Wangsai School, attended the event...
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UMSIDA and UM PALOPO students lead a cultural exchange event at a Thai secondary school Students from Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo (UMSIDA), Raditya Ferdi Riyanto, and Universitas Muhammadiyah Palopo (UM PALOPO), Muhammad Gafri Andira Putra, currently interning in Thailand, organized a lively cultural exchange event at a secondary school in Thailand. The event celebrated the bond...
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Loei, Thailand – Students undergoing their internship program at Loei Wangsai School have actively participated and contributed to various school events aiming to hone students’ skills and enrich their experience. Their presence helps in the teaching-learning process and increase passion and creativity to every activity. These activities were held from 10 to 19 July 2024...
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The entire school civitas participated in these events. The commemoration of events is a common thing for the people in the country. Commemorating events is a significant aspect for many nations. It serves various purposes and can take many forms, from public holidays to memorials and celebrations. Indonesia has many religions, a rich history, and...
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Anuban Chumchon Phukradueng School lkui.umsida.ac.id – Wai Khru Day is an event where students pay respects to their teachers to symbolize the student-teacher relationship. Students give a small bucket of flowers to their teachers to express gratitude. The ceremony generally starts with a Buddhist devotion, especially in institutions where Theravada Buddhism is the official religion....
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(The Umsida Internship Student and all Ban Loei Wangsai School teachers with Putri Sirindhorn) Loei, Thailand (18/06/2024) – Ban Loei Wangsai Schoo had a special visit from Her Royal Highness Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn, often known as ‘Phra Thep or Angel Princess”, the adored sister of Thailand’s King Vajiralongkorn. Princess Sirindhorn visited at 10 a.m....
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Dalam rangka memperkuat kerjasama FPIP UMSIDA dengan Universiti Malaysia serta memberikan sumbangsi dalam kualitas pengajaran pada pendidikan usia dini, dua dosen FPIP UMSIDA yakni Fitria Wulandari, M.Pd dan Dr. Eko Hardi Ansyah, M.Psi berkesempatan melakukan visiting lecture di Universiti Malaya Malaysia. Mengusung topik “STEM in Early Childhood to Improve Student Creativity”, Fitria Wulandari, M.Pd menyajikan...
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Mahasiswa FPIP UMSIDA berhasil mendapatkan kesempatan untuk melakukan kunjungan (student mobility) di Universiti Malaya, Malaysia. Dalam kegiatan student mobility, para mahasiswa dapat mengeksplorasi perpustakaan, museum dan laboratorium yang dimiliki oleh Universiti Malaya, Malaysia. Kunjungan ini bukan tanpa sebab, perpustakaan Universiti Malaya ini dianggap memiliki fasilitas terbaik sehingga menerima Anugerah Prestasi Kedua secara berturut-turut dari Kementerian...
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Dekan FPIP UMSIDA beserta jajaran dan Perwakilan KBRI Kuala Lumpur Malaysia Dekan Fakultas Psikologi dan Ilmu Pendidikan (FPIP) UMSIDA berserta jajarannya mengunjungi Sekolah Indonesia Kuala Lumpur (SIKL). Dekan, Wakil Dekan dan Kemahasiswaan FPIP membahas kesepahaman terkait prosedur kegiatan mengajar dan durasi untuk mengajar di siswa-siswi yang berada di sekolah ini. SIKL merupakan sekolah dalam naungan...
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Pelaksanaan International Community Service yang dijalankan oleh empat mahasiswa Prodi Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo telah berlangsung pada 16 April 2024. Bertempat di Sanggar Bimbingan (SB) Muhammadiyah Kepong Baru Malaysia, keempat mahasiswa Ilmu Komunikasi turut berkontribusi dalam memberdayakan siswa-siswi dengan memberikan materi terkait komunikasi dan penggunaan sosial media di era digitalisasi. Sanggar Bimbingan (SB) Muhammadiyah...
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