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  • Buku Panduan Kerjasama

UMSIDA visited UTAR for signing a Student Exchange Agreement (SEA)

On 7th June 2023, the delegates of Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo (UMSIDA) visited Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (UTAR) located on Sungai Long, Malaysia. This visiting aimed to sign a Student Exchange Agreement (SEA) between UMSIDA and UTAR.

On this international event, the signatories were UTAR President Ir Prof Dato’ Dr Ewe Hong Tat and the director of Research and Community Service UMSIDA Dr. Sigit Hermawan. Besides signing the agreement, the visit also aimed to strengthen the bond between the two universities and open up future collaboration opportunities. With the signing of this agreement, UTAR students and staff will be able to participate in exchange programmes that will help broaden their horizons.

By this visit resulted some mutual benefits both of the universities such as International short course for study program of Public Administration, Students exchange study program of communications sciences, ASEAN Conference Partnership of study program of law, Lecturer exchange study program of Public Administration and open for various study program like mechanical, accounting, information as well as psychology.

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