• Buku Panduan Kerjasama
  • Buku Panduan Kerjasama

UMSIDA’s Internship Student Has Participated in Some Thai Events Held in July At Anuban Chumchon Phu Kra Dueng School

The entire school civitas participated in these events.

The commemoration of events is a common thing for the people in the country. Commemorating events is a significant aspect for many nations. It serves various purposes and can take many forms, from public holidays to memorials and celebrations.

Indonesia has many religions, a rich history, and numerous commemorative events, leading to a lot of celebrations. Similarly, Thailand also has many events on its calendar. In July, Thailand celebrates two major events: Asalha Puja and the birthday of Thailand’s king.

Asalha Puja, also known as Dharma Day, marks the Buddha’s first sermon and the establishment of the Buddhist Sangha. It is a significant religious holiday for Buddhists and is observed with various ceremonies and rituals at temples across Thailand. On the other hand, the birthday of the king is another important event in Thailand. Thai people hold deep respect and admiration for their monarch, and the king’s birthday is a national holiday marked by grand celebrations.

The teachers and the students gave their presents to the monks as their respects.

In these events, Raditya, a student from the Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo (UMSIDA) participated in the tolerance and culture exchange symbolized. Just seeing the ceremony from the seat and understanding the diversity of Thailand’s culture, will give another perspective on the diversity of the culture.

“These events symbolized Thailand’s cultures that introduced to me another perspective about the diversity of the culture in another country,” said Raditya. 

Internship Students took a picture with student after activities

As an international internship student, having an opportunity to participate in these events gave Raditya new experiences and new knowledge about the diversity of cultures between countries and religions.

Writer: Raditya Ferdi Riyanto

Editor: Riza Mafiroh

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