• Buku Panduan Kerjasama
  • Buku Panduan Kerjasama

Community Service at Sanggar Belajar Kepong Malaysia aimed to Encourage the Using of Technology and Information.

Community service conducted by the lectures of Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo (UMSIDA) took a place at Sanggar Belajar Kepong Malaysia on 7th June 2023. This program was led by the Director of Department Research and Community Service of UMSIDA Mr. Dr. Sigit Hermawan, followed by the Dean of Faculty of Business, Law and Social Sciences Mrs. Poppy Febrina, M.Si, the Director of Department Cooperation and International Affairs Mrs. Isna Fitria Agustina, M.Si as well as the lectures of UMSIDA.

This community service aimed to introduce and encourage the using of technology and information for research activities, it was presented by Mr. Boy Isma Putra, MT. On the other hand, Mrs. Rahmania Sri Untari, M.Pd and Fitria Eka Wulandari, M.Pd taught in the kids class.

The event is a part of international visit by the lecturer of UMSIDA where the first stop was located Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) at 6 June 2023. At this occurrence had been joined by the head of PCIM Ustadz Muhammad Ali Imran dan Head of PCIA Malaysia Silmi Fitri, Head of Education and Culture Council PCIM Malaysia Ustadz Muhammad Muhajir and the manager of Sanggar Belajar (SB Kepong) Ustadz Ikhwan Fauzi, Head of Education and Culture Council PCIA Malaysia, PRIM Kepong dan students of International Real-Work-Study (KKN) from UMSU.

Head of Education and Culture Council PCIM Malaysia and Director of Department Cooperation and International Affairs

Head of Education and Culture Council PCIM Malaysia Ustadz Muhammad Muhajir gave speech, “This event is worthwhile for all particularly for managing the Sanggar Belajar and students of International Real-Work-Study who would continue their study higher“.

By this international community service, both UMSIDA and Sanggar Belajar Kepong Malaysia created mutual collaboration including international real-work-study for students of UMSIDA and sustainability international community service.

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