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The Head Library UMSIDA Collaborate with Samarkand State University, Uzbekistan in Publishing Journals Indexed on international Bases

Mr. Muhammad Tanzil Multazam, S.H., M.Kn. visited several colleges in the Uzbekistan in August 2023, for the first step coming to Samarkand State University in Republic of Uzbeskistan on 14th August 2023.

Samarkand State University is one of the populer universities in Uzbekistan even in the world. This world-famous college provide various field of study programs involving science and education, art and culture, architectural and construction structures. This university has for about 13,000 students in 14 faculties and 63 departments. In addition, the students are taught by more than 800 professors and teachers, including 3 academicians of UzFA, 81 doctors of science and 311 candidates of science. There are Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) and Doctor of Science (DSc) doctoral programs in more than 40 specialties, and 9 scientific councils are operating. Furthermore, its library contains more than 15,000 rare books and oriental manuscripts, as well as 3 academic lyceums, 4 museums, 1 orangery, and 2 unique facilities are operating.

The visiting of the Head Library of UMSIDA aimed to look for potential area for cooperation between two higher educations ahead. During the meeting, Mr. Muhammad Tanzil Multazam, S.H., M.Kn. as known as Mr. Tanzil as the Head of Library Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo talk about publishing articles in journals indexed on international bases, conducting research in cooperation on scientific projects, and exchanging experiences. 

Mr Tanzil negotiates about enhancing cooperation and collaboration between UMSIDA and Samarkand State University

After negotiating, both parties namely Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo and Samarkand State University also agreed to organize international conferences that will be conducted. At the end, each representative took picture and gave marchendise.

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